Susanne’s T-Shirt Quilt


Susanne is a daughter of my friend Louise Chook.  It’s been a few years, but she still had her collage sorority T-shirts and wanted a quilt from them.  This time I added a custom appliqued anchor and some patchwork details as filler between the T-shirts.

Pink and Blue are the sorority colors.


susanneDetail1                                                   I’m really not crazy about applique, but anchors are import to Delta Gamma.

susanneDetail4 susanneDetail3 susannedetail2

Inserted pieced sections.

susanneFB                                                                                               I found a neat anchor fabric that Susanne liked for the back.










One thought on “Susanne’s T-Shirt Quilt”

  1. Ann,
    I LOVE my DG t-shirt quilt! You did such a wonderful job. I’m so glad these old shirts have meaning and use again.
    Thank you so much!

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