Garden Spiders

P1050900 copy  2012

My niece Ruthanne Bargeron showed me a Spider Web quilt she was working on.  It looked like so much fun I wanted to try it.  I used some of the background in the web to make the webs look more ‘transparent’.  And I used an old sheet as the fabric foundation.  Buttons for spiders with embroidered legs.

Now there is a problem.  What to do with this little quilt?  Most of my friends hate spiders.  Fortunately ( on so many levels!) I reconnected with my best childhood friend, Alice Walker.  One of the many wonderful things about her is that she loves all living creatures – including spiders.  So this went to her.


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I love the fabric on the back of this quilt – it makes me think of the times Alice and I took the little boat out on her grandmother’s pond.  It had waterlilies.


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