Baby Christy’s Quilt

P1070187 copy 1981

I think this is my first quilt.  I actually made 2 like this – one for our new niece Christy, Eddie & Cathy’s first daughter, and one to keep.

A- Apples  B-Blue & buttons, C-checks, D-denim, E-eylet, F-fringe, G-green, H-‘hairy’, I-interfacing, J-jewels, K-knots, L-lace, M-mushrooms, N-name, O-orange, P-pink & plaid, Q-quilted, R-red &ribbon, S-silver, T-terrycloth, U-ugly &upsidedown, V-velvet, W-wool, X-eXtended, Y-yarn, Z-zipper

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