Cats and Kittens

cats&kittens    2014

I did buy a pattern called “Cat and Kitten”.  But I didn’t want my wall hanging to be that big.  And cats usually have more than one kitten, so I ended up making several modifications.

I used what I think of as real cat colors and embellished the little squares with cat-colored beads.

This won 2nd prize in the Small Machine Quilted Pieces category at the Raleigh Woman’s Club Arts Festival this year.  I think my free motion quilting is getting better.

Louise McLeod Chook is going to get this as soon as the snow melts enough to get to Fed-Ex.  She has always loved cats.  Perhaps she got that from her Grandmother Herndon.  When I was a girl and  one of our cats got killed or disappeared, we would go down to Mrs. Herdon’s and she would give us one or more kittens.


Louise’s cat Callie seems to think the little quilt is comfortable in spite of the beads sewn in the squares.

One thought on “Cats and Kittens”

  1. That is the most beautiful quilt! I do remember my grandmother feeding kittens out back of the house. I never knew about her giving you kittens. That is so sweet of you to remember that.


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